Administrator can change invoices to any statuses at any time. You have various invoice Statuses (Draft / Sent / Partial / Paid / Archive).
Administrator and Project manager + finance can create a new invoice and save it as a draft. Both of them able to edit or modify the invoice when it is in draft status.
The administrator can send the invoice to the client by clicking the Email button at the top. When the administrator sends the draft status invoice, it moves to the unpaid tab after being sent.
When the client sends a payment for the invoice you sent, you can update the payment by click on Payment button at the top. You can add payment# and amount in the pop-up where payment description is optional. Click on Save button to update the payment for invoice. If there is a balance due after payment then invoice status updated as partial and remain in the unpaid tab.
You can update the payment by click on Payment button at the top. You can add payment# and amount in the pop-up
where payment description is optional. Click on Save button to update the payment for invoice. If you make full payment for the invoice, then status updated as Paid and invoice moved to the paid tab.
The administrator can archive the invoice from any status of the invoice. Choose the invoice to “Archive” and click on the action icon at the left of the listing. Click on the Archive option in the pop-up displayed. The selected invoice moved to the archive tab and invoice status displayed as earlier. You can unarchive or delete the invoice from archive status.